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  • Comment Link https://bormanxon.wordpress.com/ Воскресенье, 31 Май 2015 23:58 posted by https://bormanxon.wordpress.com/

    By pass the resource headerNASA Logo National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    Lyndon B. Johnson Space Middle
    Houston, Tx 77058
    Frank Borman (NASA Photo)

    Frank Borman
    NASA Astronaut (former)

    A main character of the American Space Odyssey https://bormanxon.wordpress.com/, Frank Borman led the first team
    of American astronauts to group the celestial satellite,
    extending mans horizons straight into space. He is internationally generally known as Commander from the 1968 Apollo 8 Mission. A romance with planes that began when he or she was fifteen years old,
    got Frank Borman to the Air flow Force then to NASA.

    A career Surroundings Force expert from 1950, his tasks included program as
    a jet fighter pilot, a good operational initial and trainer, an fresh test pilot
    and a good assistant teacher of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics from West Stage.
    When chosen by NASA, Frank Borman was trainer at the Aerospace Research Preliminary School in Edwards
    AFB, California.

    In 1967 he served as a part of the Apollo 204 Fireplace
    Investigation Table, investigating what causes the open fire which mortally wounded three astronauts
    aboard an Apollo spacecraft, reminiscent of the particular Challenger
    tragedy. Later this individual became the particular Apollo System Resident Supervisor,
    heading the team that will re-engineered the particular Apollo spacecraft.
    He also served as Field Director of NASA's Space Station Task Drive.

    Frank Borman retired in the air Force in 1970, but will be well thought of as a part of this particular nation's history, a pioneer
    in the exploration of space as well as a veteran of both the Gemini 7, 1965 Space Orbital Rendezvous with Gemini 6 and the 1st manned lunar orbital objective,
    Apollo 7, in 1968.

    Borman's retirement from the Surroundings Force in 1970 failed to
    end his aviation profession. He grew to become a special advisor
    to Eastern Airlines at the begining of 1969 and December 1970 was called Sr.
    Vice President-Operations Group.

    He has been promoted to Executive Vice President-Genera Functions Manager and was selected to Eastern's Board associated with Directors in July mid 1970s.
    In May 1975 he had been elected Us president and Primary Operating Expert.
    He has been named Ceo in December 1975 and became Chairman from the Board keep away from

    During his tenure as Chief Executive Officer of Eastern, the air travel
    industry had an enormous modify caused by deregulation. During this period Far eastern originated several unique
    programs including income sharing and wages tied to company earnings.
    These applications produced the four many profitable yrs in the
    business history. A recalcitrant marriage forced their particular
    abandonment in 1983 as well as the resulting loses led to the sale of the
    airline in order to Texas Air flow Corporation. Colonel Borman outdated from Far
    eastern Airlines in June of 1986.

    Colonel Borman was privileged to serve as Unique Presidential
    Ambassador on excursions throughout the China and
    Europe, including a worldwide tour to find support for your release associated with American Criminals of war held by North Vietnam.

    He obtained the Congressional Space Medal of Honor from the Chief executive of the United States.

    Colonel Borman also was granted the Harmon International Flying Trophy,
    the Robert L. Collier Trophy, the Tony a2z Jannus Honor and the National Geographic Society's Hubbard
    Medal--in addition to a lot of honorary degrees, special elevates and
    support decorations. Recently, in September of
    1990, Colonel Borman along with man Apollo eight astronauts, Lovell
    and Anders, was inducted into the Worldwide Aerospace Area
    of Popularity. And in October of 1990 received the particular Airport Providers Council Global Downes Honor.
    In Drive 1993, this individual was inducted into the You.
    S. Astronaut Hall of Fame.

    Honest Borman came to be in Gary, Indiana, and was raised within Tucson, Arizona.
    He gained a Bachelors of Technology degree in the U. Ersus.
    Military School, West Point, in 1950 and a Master of
    Science degree in Aeronautical Anatomist from the Ca Institute of Technology in 1957.

    He completed the particular Harvard Company School's Advanced Management
    Plan in 1970.

    Frank Borman is currently a part of the Board of Directors of the Home Depot, National Geographic, Outboard
    Maritime Corporation, Auto Finance Team, Thermo Instrument Systems and American Superconductor.
    He had been named Chief Executive Office of Patlex Company in the springtime
    of 1988, and at present holds the titles of Chairman,
    TOP DOG and President of that Company. He has written an autobiography entitled Countdown: An Life of Honest Borman with Robert J.

    Serling, launched October of 1988 and published by Silver Gazelle Books, William Morrow plus Company, Incorporation.

    He is married to the former Susan Bugbee of Tucson, Arizona.
    They have got two sons, Frederick and Edwin, and four
    grandchildren. Frank and Susan at present reside in Todas las Cruces,
    Brand new Mexico.

    DEC 1993

    This is actually the only edition available from NASA.
    Up-dates must be searched for direct from your above
    called individual.

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