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Written by  Вторник, 03 Февраль 2015 00:00
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Snooker plus Swimming poolMAY the 'Magician' cast his spell within the 'Kaiser' once again, or will certainly the German find a way to thwart the Filipino's tricks?Efren 'The Magician' Reyes and Ralf 'The Kaiser' Souquet will do battle once again, each captaining their respective teams in Asia vs Europe 9-Ball Team Problem which starts nowadays at the Sutra Hall of the Rizqun International Resort in Gadong.Reyes can team up with fellow Filipino Francisco 'Django' Bustamante in the highlight match of today's activity, where they will face Souquet and England's Darren 'Dynamite' Appleton.The duo from the Philippines defeat Germany's Souquet plus Thorsten Hohmann 11-9 in the final of the World Cup within Manila this past year, defending the particular crown which they won within the inaugural edition in 06\.Nevertheless met yesterday throughout the welcoming supper, Reyes seemed to have remaining his magic wand back in Manila.The first non-American to win the US Open suplimente culturism Ball Championship in 1994, Reyes said that a lingering back injury had come up again but he hoped which he would recover with time for that three-day event.By comparison, Souquet appeared confident about conjuring up methods of his own when met on Tuesday."We are going to attempt to play good, like we have been doing within the past few years. 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